Seminar Event Report
Sansan Innovation Project 2019 Report

Event Overview
- Event Title
- Sansan Innovation Project 2019
- Date and time
- 14/03/2019(Thu)~ 15/03/2019(Fri)
- Place
- Organizer
- Sansan Co., Ltd.

The 3rd mijin Hands-On Seminar Report

The 3rd seminar was held with a small number of people, with the same content as the 2nd seminar, mainly for those who could not attend the previous seminar for various reasons. Opening Line Co., Ltd. continued to be the lecturer. We are providing the video materials of the hands-on seminars that have been held for all three times. If you are interested, please contact us from the document request form.
Event Overview
- Event Title
- The 3rd mijin Hands-On Seminar
- Date and time
- 19/03/2019(Tue)15:30~17:00
- Place
- FINOLAB Event space
- Event Content
"mijin v.2 (catapult) Hands-on Seminar: Application"
Mr. Shinichi Matsuda, Chief Engineer, Opening Line Co., Ltd.
1) What is Catapult?
ーProcessing performance
-Layer structure
ー New features
2) Multi-level multi-signature
3) Aggregate transactions
4) Cross-chain transactions
5) Using Catapult
6) Workshop
-Confirmation of account information
- XEM remittance
- Confirmation of remittance transaction
- billing transactions
- billing transactions
7) Q&A

The 2nd mijin Hands-On Seminar Report

Continuing from the first session, Opening Line Co., Ltd. took the podium as a lecturer to introduce the new functions of mijin v.2 (catapult), which is about to be launched, and to experience the issuance of billing transactions. .
The 3rd Hands-on, which will be held next month, will be held on a smaller scale with the same content, mainly for those who were unable to attend this time.
Event Overview
- Event Title
- The 2nd mijin Hands-On Seminar
- Date and time
- 21/02/2019(Thu)15:30~17:00
- Place
- FINOLAB Event space
- Event Content
"mijin v.2 (catapult) Hands-on Seminar: Application"
Mr. Shinichi Matsuda, Chief Engineer, Opening Line Co., Ltd.
1) What is Catapult?
ーProcessing performance
-Layer structure
ー New features
2) Multi-level multi-signature
3) Aggregate transactions
4) Cross-chain transactions
5) Using Catapult
6) Workshop
-Confirmation of account information
- XEM remittance
- Confirmation of remittance transaction
- billing transactions
- billing transactions
7) Q&A
- Number of Participants
- about 20 people

The 1st mijin Hands-On Seminar Report

Opening Line Co., Ltd., which has a lot of achievements as our partner, took the stage as a lecturer and used the mijin test environment to actually experience XEM remittance. The v.2 catapult, which was asked during the question and answer session, will also be experienced at the second hands-on held next month.
Event Overview
- Event Title
- The 1st mijin Hands-On Seminar
- Date and time
- 28/01/2019(Mon)15:00~17:00
- Place
- FINOLAB Event space
- Event Content
"mijin v.1 Hands-on Seminar: Application"
Mr. Shinichi Matsuda, Chief Engineer, Opening Line Co., Ltd.
1) What is mijin?
2) Basic functions
・Transfer transaction
・Message function
・ Mosaic
・ Apostille
3) What is Catapult?
4) Development using mijin
5) Hands-on
・Confirm your account information
· Send XEM
· Confirm the remittance transaction
- Number of Participants
- about 30 people

The 5th Seminar of mijin Utilization Report

Knowledge On Demand, Honyaku Center, and GIFTED AGENT also visited and gave lectures on remote work management using the mijin blockchain announced last November. It will be exhibited at the "30th Design and Manufacturing Solutions Exhibition" to be held at Tokyo Big Sight from February 6th.
It was also announced that sales of this solution introduced at the seminar will begin in May.
Event Overview
- Event Title
- The 5th Seminar of mijin Utilization
- Date and time
- 31/01/2019(Thu)15:30~17:00
- Place
- FINOLAB Event space
- Event Content
"Architecture of Remote Work Management -Mechanism of Realizing Secure Client-"
Knowledge On Demand Co., Ltd. CEO Tomoki Miyashita
“Significance and Future of BC Utilization at Honyaku Center -User Verification and Future Utilization-”
Mr. Junichi Fukada, Director of IT Planning, Assistant to President, Honyaku Center Co., Ltd.
"Reality and Future Trends of BC Business Utilization -Evaluation and Future of this Demonstration Experiment-"
Mr. Junma Kawasaki, GIFTED AGENT Co., Ltd.
- Number of Participants
- about 40 people

PyCon JP 2018 Report

The event was held in a larger venue than last year, and even though it was during the holidays, many participants gathered.
We set up a corner to introduce mijin, put up posters reflecting the new product image, and distributed mijin goods.
Perhaps because it was an event with many engineers participating, many people were interested.
pycon jp flickr:
Event Overview
- Event Title
- PyCon JP 2018
- Date and time
- 2018/09/17 (Mon/holiday) - 09/18 (Tue)
- Place
- Ota Ward Industrial Plaza PiO
- Number of Participants
- 912 people (Advance ticket purchasers)

BCCC 1st Token Economic Section Report

After our CMO Fukunaga, who was appointed as the chairman of the department, gave a speech, followed by lectures from Persol Career Co., Ltd. and Japan Information Communication Co., Ltd., managing the attendance of side jobs with the mijin blockchain, and centralizing the working hours of multiple companies with tokens. I have introduced a case study.
A time card application was also demonstrated, making it a lively and meaningful session suitable for the first session.
The next event will be held in November.
Event Overview
- Event Title
- BCCC 1st Token Economic Section
- Date and time
- 14/09/2018(Fri)16:30〜
- Place
- Seminar Room of Infoteria Corporation
- Event Content
Theme "A trial to solve new problems of side jobs / secondary jobs with "time card token""
Lecture 1: “Issues caused by side jobs/multiple jobs and demonstration purposes with blockchain”
Persol Career Co., Ltd. Business Strategy Headquarters Business Promotion Section Data Solution Department
Mr. Yu Kuwabara, Principal Engineer, Analytics & Technology Group
Lecture 2: "Introduction of the demonstration application 'Timecard for the side job/double job era'"
Japan Information Communication Co., Ltd. Solution Innovation Department New Business Development Planning Group
Mr. Teisuke Hamatani, Group Leader
- Number of Participants
- about 70 people

The 4th Seminar of mijin Utilization Report

Iid Co., Ltd. took the stage and introduced a token economy introduction example in game media using mijin.
Nearly 40 people participated on the day, and a lively question-and-answer session was held that exceeded the scheduled time on advanced initiatives in the media industry. The service will start soon.
Event Overview
- Event Title
- The 4th Seminar of mijin Utilization
- Date and time
- 12/09/2018(Thu)15:30~17:00
- Place
- FINOLAB Event space
- Event Content
"Introduction of Token Economy in Web Media, Examples of Game Media"
Mr. Manabu Tsuchimoto, General Manager, Media Business Headquarters, IID Co., Ltd.
Mr. Kosuke Miyazaki, General Manager, Game Division
- Number of Participants
- about 40 people

2018 BCCC Annual Meeting Report

In addition to reporting on the association's activities, such as the number of member companies and organizations exceeding 230, the establishment of the "Token Economy Subcommittee", headed by our CMO Mitsutoshi Fukunaga, was also announced.
The first subcommittee will be held on September 14th (Friday) at Infoteria's seminar room, where we plan to introduce examples of blockchain utilization in the human resources business.
Event Overview
- Event Title
- 2018 BCCC Annual Meeting
- Date and time
- 23/08/2018(Thu)16:30~18:00
- Place
- Akasaka Inter City Conference
- Number of Participants
- about 90 people

The 6th Technical Application Group sponsored by BCCC Report

On the day of the event, our company Inujima took the stage and explained the features and main functions of mijin, followed by a hands-on experience of sending and receiving XEM and issuing unique coins. More than 30 people participated, and it was a fun seminar, such as sending and receiving coins among visitors.
Event Overview
- Event Title
- The 6th Technical Application Group sponsored by BCCC
- Date and time
- 30/07/2018(Mon)16:30〜
- Place
- FINOLAB Event space
- Event Content
“Private blockchain, mijin hands-on”
Tech Bureau Holdings Co., Ltd. Takehiko Inujima and Kazutaka Watabe
- Number of Participants
- about 35 people

The 3rd Seminar of mijin Utilization Report

Mr. Tom from the North American branch of our overseas subsidiary and Mr. Robert from the European branch visited Japan and introduced the latest blockchain utilization cases in their respective regions.
With over 40 people participating, the seminar was full of enthusiasm, even though Tokyo was experiencing a record heat wave. (Mr. Robert also treated me to high quality Swiss chocolate.)
Event Overview
- Event Title
- The 3rd Seminar of mijin Utilization
- Date and time
- 19/07/2018(Thu)14:30~
- Place
- FINOLAB Event space
- Event Content
「Crypto Valley and why it happened to be in Zug?」
Tech Bureau Europe SA Head of Sales Robert Velik
「The presentation about mijin use cases and current customers」
Tech Bureau North America LLC CEO Tom Beno
- Number of Participants
- about 40 people

The 2nd Seminar of mijin Utilization Report

The Japan Gibier Promotion Association and Cuddleware took the stage and introduced examples of using mijin for the traceability of domestic gibier.
On the day of the event, nearly 70 people participated, and a lively question-and-answer session was held on topics such as the reasons for introducing blockchain.
Event Overview
- Event Title
- The 2nd Seminar of mijin Utilization
- Date and time
- 26/06/2018(Tue)15:30~
- Place
- FINOLAB Event space
- Event Content
“Gibier Traceability and the Potential of Blockchain”
Mr. Toshiharu Ishige, Secretariat, Japan Gibier Promotion Association
Cuddleware Co., Ltd. President
Masasa Ohmae, Visiting Researcher, Service Innovation Research Institute, Meiji University
- Number of Participants
- about 70 people


Including short sessions, etc., we were able to interact with many large companies, start-up companies, and local government officials, and it was a very meaningful time.
The next event is scheduled for February next year. I would like to renew my PR tools and exhibit again.
Event Overview
- Event Title
- Date and time
- 08/06/2018(Fri)10:00~20:00
- Place
- Tokyo Midtown Hibiya BASE Q
- Organizer
- Open innovation platform "eiicon"
- Number of Participants
- About 500 companies

The 1st Seminar of mijin Utilization Report

Persol Career and Japan Telecommunications took the stage and introduced examples of using mijin for attendance management.
On the day of the seminar, more than 70 people participated, including TV cameras, making it a lively seminar.
Event Overview
- Event Title
- The 1st Seminar of mijin Utilization
- Date and time
- 30/05/2018(Wed)18:30~
- Place
- FINOLAB Event space
- Event Content
“Issues due to side jobs/multiple jobs and demonstration purposes with blockchain”
PERSOL CAREER Co., Ltd. Business Strategy Headquarters Business Promotion Department Data Solution Department
Analytics & Technology Group
Manager Takaaki Saito
Principal Engineer Yu Kuwabara
"Characteristics of 'mijin' that I want to convey through the demonstration application introduction"
Nippon Information Communication Co., Ltd. Solution Innovation Department New Business Development
Mr. Teisuke Hamatani, Group Leader, Planning Group
- Number of Participants
- about 70 people

Cloud Days 2018 Report

The booth was operated in cooperation with the Foundation, and the NEM community helped make it a very lively event.
I was able to interact with many companies and fans, and if I have the opportunity next time, I would like to participate.
Event Overview
- Event Title
- Cloud Days 2018
- Date and time
2018/02/20 (Tue)/21 (Wed) 10:30-18:00 03/08 (Thu)/9 (Fri) 10:30-18:00
- Place
The Prince Park Tower Tokyo Grand Front Osaka
- Organizer
- Nikkei BP
- Number of Visitors
Approx. 15,000 Approx. 5,400